Monday, August 22, 2011


After being in NYC for about a week in a house with no furniture and sleeping on air mattresses we thought this place would never feel like home. Thanks to Courtney's parents we were able to have everything we need brought up on a trailer (built by Mr. Pierchoski himself!) to complete the "Leaning Tower of Duer". Our street name is "Duer" and every house on our street got slanted due to the blasting of the Lincoln Tunnel a while back. So everything kind of leans to the left.
Since our home now officially feels like a home we thought we would start a blog to update everyone on what is happening with our adventure in the big apple. Everyone said they wanted to know what we were up to so if we make anyone upset well, they can get over it.
We have all been on the search for jobs that pay the bills since we have been here, that is our main priority, mainly restaurant jobs, coffee shop jobs, assistant jobs, etc. We have all been on a few interviews, even tried out some jobs to see what they would be like. As of right now Courtney will start hostessing at an asian restaurant called "Ruby Foo's" on Wednesday. She plans to hopefully work her way up to a server position. Seth and Lenny have both interviewed to be barista's/sandwich makers/cashiers at a coffee shop not far from our home. We are still waiting on the outcome of that interview. Fingers crossed!
More importantly, and the real reason why we all moved up here, Courtney and Seth have been offered internships at a small theater company called "Amas Musical Theater". These are administrative internships, so our responsibilities will consist of computer work, answering the phone, and making sure the office has what it needs to run smoothly. On that note we are also production assistants on an independent off-broadway musical called "The Big Bank". "The Big Bank" is a new musical being produced by people working at Amas but it is not an Amas production. We have been given the job of "Spotlight Ops" for the production. Courtney and Seth are both thrilled about this opportunity. It will give them the chance to learn about NYC theater from a different perspective (and see a free show)!
Lenny is also in touch with this company and is currently on hold for a production assistant job on another show called "Silence!", some of you may have heard of it, but it is a bigger production than "The Big Bank" and because of Lenny's costume experience he is on hold for that production.

Now the juicy stuff.

We have a few auditions lined up that we are planning on attending, but those are not happening til the end of August going into September. Our first audition is on August 30th and it's for the ArtsPower Fall Touring Season. It is a child-like musical theater tour. Shows like "Madeline", "Jigsaw Jones" and more.
I will post the other auditions when they get closer.

We can't tell everyone how thankful we are for their support and care about us moving here. We hope you all visit, we would love to take you out for a hot-dog or something. We miss everyone a great amount and kind of wish we were going back to school so we could make more wonderful memories but the next chapter in life is upon us and the show must go on!

Much Love,

Seth, Courtney, and Lenny


  1. Congrats all! Keep driving onward and big things can happen! We'll look you up when we get up that way again!!! Proud of you!

  2. You all deserve the very best! I appreciate your generosity in accommodating Briana as she transitions into her new surroundings up there. Thank you so much!!
